Early Innovations


About the date and time stamp

The most important component of linking photos to GPS position is the date and time stamp on your photos.

When you take a photo with your digital camera, your camera records the date and time the photo was digitized and saves that information to the photo. GPSPhotoLinker reads the date and time stamp from the photo's metadata and uses the date and time to sync with your GPS data.

Time zone

Your GPS records dates and times with time zone information; your camera, however, does not. This means that you need to specify the time zone your digital camera's clock was set to. For example, the UTC Offset for Pacific Standard Time (PST) is -8 hours, or -0800.

Daylight Saving Time

During the summer months this means that you need to add another hour to the UTC Offset. For example, the normal -0800 offset for PST, is really -0700, aka Pacific Daylight Time (PDT).

Camera clock

Camera clocks tend to drift. However, incorrectly set camera clocks can be corrected for and it is remarkably easy to achieve accuracy down to the second.

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