Early Innovations


Mapped Web Galleries

Many photo sharing websites will map your geotagged photos, but all of them seem to have a few quirks. Here's a look at some of the most popular websites using geotagged photos from a kayak trip we took up Taku Inlet near Juneau, Alaska.

Other sites, questions, comments, ideas, updates, thoughts??... Please send an email! sharon@earlyinnovations.com


The Flikr [flickr.com] Trick (before you upload any geotagged photos)

  1. Go to "Your account". Select your user name at the top right corner of the Flickr page where it says "Signed in as UserName".
  2. Select the "Privacy & Permissions" tab.
  3. Change Import EXIF location data to "Yes". This is found in the "Defaults for new Uploads" section. The default is set to "No". Change this to "Yes" and you're good to go! Also: Ignore the FAQ about previously geotagged photos. There is an FAQ page for "The Map" which includes a link to an "Import geotagged photos or video" which continues to tell me it doesn't think I've previously geotagged my photos. So ignore this. My photos worked just fine.

Two good upload options

  1. Flickr Uploadr--I liked this best. Allows drag & drop (from the finder or iPhoto), offline decision making, lets you switch accounts, tracks your monthly totals...
  2. Flickr upload web page--works just fine.



Notice (2/22/09): Location settings at google are not working currently. You will not be able to see our photos on the Picasa map until they are fixed. (See Known Issues [google.com].

One Picasa [picasaweb.com] Trick (to view imported EXIF location data)

  1. Select "Settings" from the top right of the page.
  2. Check the "Use Exif location information" box found under "Content controls" near the bottom of the page. NEWS: The ability to change "Use Exif location information" setting is currently broken (2/22/09). (See Known Issues [google.com].

Upload options

  1. Picasa Web Albums Uploader--NEW: No longer need to limit to "Actual Size" to keep GPS exif data.
    • From the finder level the Uploader works well--allows drag & drop, tracks your total use, clean interface.
    • From inside iPhoto, select File > Export, choose the Picasa Web Albums tab.
  2. The Picasa upload web page--works fine.

CAUTION: Picasa Web Albums file size limit is 20 MB. If you try to upload a larger file, using either of the above methods, you are not warned until after you've waited (and waited...) for the failure notice. Also the Web Albums Uploader appears to load TIFF files, but instead and without warning, it uploads a small JPG however it now keeps the EXIF location data.



Upload Options

  1. The Locr [locr.com] upload web page--works fine, however, only uploads one photo at a time. Does not appear to strip any data, but does not make use of EXIF or IPTC data already embedded, other than latitude and longitude, as far as I can tell.
  2. GPS Photo Software--not available for the Mac. According to documentation, the software allows geotagging and batch uploads for Windows.

Thoughts & ideas

  1. Nice slide show with map! Try our photos in this mode: Taku Inlet slideshow at Locr [locr.com]
  2. I could not figure out how to change the album order. It appears to use creation date sometimes, but not others. As far as I can tell the slides are shown in the order I uploaded them and not in order of creation date.
  3. Disappointing embedded data is not available, including city, state, and country.



Upload Options

  1. EveryTrail [everytrail.com] upload web page--works fine. Uses embedded data even though the text assumes you'll be choosing the photo location yourself. Doesn't appear to bring in all the embedded photo data.
  2. Import from Flickr--works fine. Faster than you'd expect. Does bring in at least the "caption" which is overwritten if you edit the photo.

Thoughts & ideas

  1. Easy to use and clean interface for the photos. NIce viewing options in general.
  2. Default when starting a new trip is to select all your photos that are near your tracks. Good to note if you prefer all new photos for that trip or trail.
  3. I found "caption" and "description" interfere with each other and/or are the same field. I could not "keep" my caption (on My Photos page) and description (on Edit Photo page) fields from being overwritten when I edited my photos.
  4. I didn't yet learn how to trim the spikes in my GPS data but it looks like that's possible.


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