Early Innovations


Quick Start

A quick introduction to using GPSPhotoLinker.

  1. Download Tracks: Connect your GPS to your computer by USB or USB-Serial adapter and select "Download" from the toolbar. Choose your GPS reciever type, the serial adapter you used to connect and click the "Download" button. If you have previously downloaded tracks, click "Load Tracks" and locate a GPX format track file. Once loaded, the program will indicate how many tracks with time/date information were found.
  2. Load Photos: Click Load photos and locate photos you would like to link to the track data.
  3. Set Photos' Time Zone: Choose the appropriate GMT Offset (time zone) for the time stamp on the photos.
  4. Choose a track point: If you select one photo, Single mode will display the two track points closest in time to the time/stamp on your photo. The "Preceding point" is the closest track point in time prior to the time stamp on the photo. Similarly, the "Next point" is the closest track point in time after the time stamp on the photo. Although not a real track point, there is also a "Time weighted average point" latitude/longitude you can choose to save to the photo. Clicking Save to photo on any of these options will immediately save the latitude, longitude, city, state, and country to the photo.
  5. Next Photo or use batch mode: Select the next photo and continue or use batch mode to automatically link all of the loaded photos.

Example files

Here are a few examples files that you can download and use for testing with GPSPhotoLinker.

  • SoutheastAlaskaWaypoints.gpx [1 KB] Three waypoints taken in Southeast Alaska. These do not have time stamps, but can be manually linked to photos in GPSPhotoLinker.
  • SoutheastAlaskaTracks.gpx [503 KB] Tracks taken while out on the boat in Southeast Alaska. This file was hand-built, so use it only as a rough example.
  • SoutheastAlaskaPhotos.zip [5.03 MB] A few photos that correspond to the above track file. The GMT time offset for these photos is -0800 GMT.

Additional topics

Choosing a track point

Before saving a track point to the photo, consider the following.

  • Compare the time on the photo with the time on the track point. If the times are too far apart, that may indicate the photo was not really taken in that position.
  • The distance between the "Preceding point", "Time weighted average point", and "Next point" is given as an aid to help you choose which is the appropriate track point, if any at all. The "Time weighted average point" uses the time on the photo to extrapolate a point between the two track points.
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